Oracle Management Cloud

Introduction to Oracle Management Cloud We have been seeing so many products of Oracle off late. A new suite from Oracle named Oracle Manage...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to check if a patch is applied in Oracle Applications without logging into the server / database / application?

If we want to check the patches applied and their date without logging into the server, not even connect to database nor login into application, the process is very simple and straight forward.

Just open the Oracle Applications login page for the instance which you desire to check.

On the login page, at Extreme left bottom, we will notice a link "About this page".

Click on "About this page" as shown in above picture.

We will not be required to enter any username/password. It will simply take us to the below page.

select the "Patches" tab as shown in above picture.

Finally query the patch you wanted to search for.

How to Rollback / Revert the autoconfig changes in EBS

When ever we run autoconfig, the autoconfig log files are stored under the following locations.

On Database Tier:

On Middle Tier:

At the same time, all the backup configuration files from each autoconfig session are saved under following directories:

On Database Tier:

On Middle Tier:

There is also a script called / restore.cmd under these locations along with backup configuration files.

We can run (unix) or restore.cmd (windows) to revert back the autoconfig changes.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

DMZ/External URL redirecting to Internal SSO login page

Issue :
In EBS 12.2, External URL pointing to SSO even though external node not registered with OID. Instead of pointing to SSO URL, external login URL should redirect to AppsLocalLogin.jsp

In EBS 12.2 and Later, intergration of SSO/OID/OAM/OIM can be done at site level only and not at server level. We can have a separate OID/OAM for external users and register the external node with the OID/OAM intended for external users.

In all cases, since integration is done at site level, by default the external URL also redirects to SSO URL. To avoid that, update the s_login_page context variable on external node to point to http://hostname:port/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp.

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